I'm sooo glad it's Monday! I have the house all to myself.... Mr. Crazy is off to work, Our Little Guy is off to school, I can watch Stephen King movies all day (while doing the laundry) and recoup from this crazy weekend. Mr. Crazy and I both had our separate projects going on as well as entertaining Our Little Guy, which is always fun!! The Mister built 2 twin beds this weekend and boy, are they beautiful.... I love it when he puts his hand to wood, (and I wish I could build stuff like that) He gets an idea in his head and ta-dah..... furniture. Now all we need is mattresses and box springs. I got all the bedding washed..... the carpets shampooed.... and all the Christmas decorating done (at least as much as I'm gonna do!!) So it was a very productive weekend!! But I'm sooo glad it's Monday.

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..... cuz I love their blogs!!
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