Friday, June 21, 2013

Shhhh...... A Very Quite High Five for Friday

It's early, so early that the boys aren't up, (woot woot), so I'll have a cup of coffee all by myself and enjoy the sun coming up.

So my High Five for Friday are pretty simple this week and one of them really isn't even mine....

1. The Boyz at Luray

2. Wooooo Hoooooo

3. The little Boyz bath

1.We took the boyz to the Caverns not too far from here it was stunning!! And the car museum was great!!
2. They have Bread Co, Panera here!! Bring on the Icy Frozen Mochas!!
3. The only crafty thing I've done this week.....
4. Early mornings.....
5. 2 of the Bloggers I follow are Pregnant!!  Kate of The Small Things Blog and Erin at Keep Calm and Sparkle  They are going to be beautiful Moms!! So Congratulations to the both of them!!

So there is my quite High Five for Friday!!

  and just in time... there is the pitter patter of little feet......

And a Link up with Lauren Elizabeth

                                                                  The Lauren Elizabeth                                                                                                         

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1 comment:

  1. Yahhhh. I remember when EARLY was the order of the day! Ohhh and Baily's...:) I'm so very happy for you guys!
