Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tis the Day

It is the day before Thanksgiving, Turkey's in the 'fridge, thawing I hope! I'm pretty sure I have the menu down for tomorrow. So today I'm gonna pre-make everything I can! (Maybe) It's been several years since I've made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, Turkey and all the fixings. So here's to tradition!


I also have a few projects going on in the craft room, Reusable paper towels, (which the Mr. just rolled his eyes over), a somewhat smaller winter messenger bag for me, chew toy for Mia Cara, and still working on the last couple of Christmas presents! I just couldn't seem to settle on one project. (mmm, 1,2,3... oh shiney!)

All 13 cut out...
Fabric.. quilters flannel and terry cloth
All but the snaps... 12 more to go

I love the tutorial I found.... Pinterest or All Sewing, I can't remember which, but it's now pinned I added the binding, due to a jelly roll on clearance which just happened to be in the perfect colors!

All that's left is the handle... 

This purse had a couple of different inspirations behind it... But mostly the design is mine. And I tweaked the making of it..  But I made the first few using....
She write a killer tutorial!! Easy to follow and tons of pictures. I'll take better pictures of the details when I get it all done. I think it's gonna turn out just the way I pictured in my head... ;)

Tomorrow is for food, family and thanks!! I hope all y'all have a great Thanksgiving!! (and thanks for reading!)


Monday, November 25, 2013

Fangs, Rant.... STRIKE

I can feel myself growing fangs... Long sharp, mean fangs. As I look around that house and see.... Eazy E's breakfast cereal box, still on the counter... his socks on the floor.... his dinner plate still on the table, that he just moved outta his way for breakfast! Moving upstairs, the Mr. clothes right where he took them off... his towel on the floor.... my towel on the floor, (I didn't hang his up, so he used mine... that was hanging up!) All of the flotsam and jetsam that we all seem to create by just living. Now I do expect the boys... all the boys to mostly pick up after themselves, with a few prompts, at least the little boys, ( 5 and 6 ) But today as I look around it just feels overwhelming... (pms, anyone) So here is the end of my rant... and now on to the STRIKE! I am going on strike! I'm not picking up another thing... (well, except to clean under it) that doesn't belong to me!! If it's not in the hamper ... (of which there are 3... 1 in Eazy E's bathroom, 1 in the Little Boys bathroom and 1 in our closet), then it's not getting washed!! Don't hang your towel, use it wet, If your dishes don't make the sink.... they don't get washed... See the theme here? Now let's see how long it takes my men to get the hint... both big and small!!


Friday, November 22, 2013

Woo Hooo Friday!

Busy... Busy.... Busy!! (But all good thing come to those who are busy!) This am I've spent running and gunning all over town and back! Boys to the bus stop, check. J-boy to school, check. Over to the elementary school to pick up fundraiser, check. Back downtown to pick up my newly won harp-backed chairs, triple check. Stop at Joann's for more yarn and such, check. Whew... then it'll be back downtown to pick up the J-boy, and off to ENREP to pick up his IEP, Nicky Baby's meds, and maybe I'll squeak out sometime for my latest obsession, Arm Knitting!

1. Looks like knitting to me
2. Easy Peasy 

3. WooHoo real chairs!

5. That face!
4. Yarn

1. After watching the video a billion times to see what I was missing.... Arm Knitting! It really is easy after getting the hang of it and "casting on" 
This was the video I watched!! She does a really good job of breaking it all down.

2. I love the way it turned out... If I'd have been more patience and made it a bit longer... it'd be perfect!!

3. Score!! Local on-line auction!! I just love auctions but I hate going, I almost always get auction fever. But with the on-line deal, no stress, bid in my pj's and I can set my "won't go over price." so win... win... win!!

4. More yarn... I love Joann's for yarn and such, with the great coupons I get in the mail... or off my app, (don't ya just love apps!) I normally get stuff at great prices! Yes, I did tell Miss Liha "curiosity kills the cat" , to which she replied "But satisfaction brought it back!" 

5. Gotta just love that face!! Cara was helping guard my stash. 

                                              Linking up with....

Follow the Rules
The Diary of a Real Housewife


High Five for Friday

                                                             The Lauren Elizabeth

 photo db7528c5-a5c8-4eb0-9519-22997b018248_zps7d56832d.jpg
The Good Life Blog

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Kind of hit, Kind of miss, Hit and A Sister of the Heart

My kind of hit, kind of miss was a stand for my tablet. I wanted one that the tablet would sit on as the case I have really doesn't work. and I like it to stand upright. So off to Pinterest I went. Hummm, so many options to chose from. I made one... really didn't like it. A great tutorial and went together easy enough. But I just wasn't happy with it! so I guess that one was a miss. (No pictures though... sorry). On to the next... cardboard!! (I love cardboard) I cut up one of the moving boxes I saved for just this kind of thing... and Ta Da... a stand. Not pretty... and full of rocks to make it work.


And while it does work. It's not very pretty to look at and somewhat heavy. (due to the rocks in the bottom! ;) )  So back to the drawing board and more cardboard... I had the general shape and size I wanted, so now on to google to see some pictures... and, Voila, the hit! (and with no rocks!) It's light, portable, has the right angle... (ya know that was mostly by happenstance!) and looks tons better! I have to say I wish I'd of made the cover a bit tighter... but all in all I'm pretty happy the way it turned out! 


I got a call from My Sister of the Heart, with a diagnoses that no woman wants. I am very sad I'm not closer (in miles) so that I can help her and her family with whatever needs done. Fortunately she has an amazing attitude and a fantastic medical team not to mention her incredibly supportive husband to help her and get through this ..... ummm..... trial. So if all you reading would take a minute and send positive thoughts toward my Sister... I would be greatly appreciative!!


Monday, November 18, 2013

Whew, It's Monday

A fun and busy weekend is in the books! And now on to the regular week, ahhh... relaxing! Basketball, Lacrosse and Tee-ball are all over. Now it's just MMA and learn to skate, (besides school of course!)
The Biddy Girl is finding out how much fun it is to buy her first car... (poor baby) But she is learning tons about the process, the up and downs along with the waiting to hear. She also is all registered for her Sophomore year at the local college, Pre-Cal is in her future! She has also decide on a major change, instead of Social Work, leaning towards counselling, she's going for Business Administration (she really likes her current job and is gearing up to continue in that field.)
On to the boyz... Learn to skate was a blast! Up... down and the splits! I laughed and laughed! The coaches were amazing!! The one... (whose name is escaping me) had the J-Boy up and standing and kind of moving forward in like 2.5 seconds! Nicky Baby would get up... take off at 400 mph, and wipe out! The good thing was he never gave up and kept getting up... over and over and over again! Eazy E... took right off! He has some amount of talent and athletic ability. And as he pointed out... He did not fall once! Now they all can't wait for Sundays.

What a Great Coach! 

Arms out for balance
And he's skating!

Like this! Head up!

He's up!! 
On the way down..

See.. Like this, J-Boy
We saw a lot of Eazy E's back

Friday, November 15, 2013

The Friday Five

Gotta love Fridays they lead to the weekends, which are majorly laid back around here! Everybody gets to sleep in (well, most everybody)... no hurley-burly  rushing around. And a road trip or two to go, see, and sometimes do. But to start my weekends... clean the house, do the laundry, get ready for the weekend! It's a system that works for me! ;)

1. Eazy E's new do! "I look at least 18, now!"  I'm thinking NOT!
2. J-Boy's school picture, I just love it!!
3. The middle
4. Done... scarf number 3, one more and I'm DONE!

5. Shoe wrestling  

1. Eazy E was tired of looking like the Bieber... so off came most all of his hair (at the Biddy Girls suggestion ) He loves it! I love it, The Mr. loves it! And on the way home he said, "Now I look at least 18, right Mom?" " Uhh, Nope but at least 12.... " hehehehehe... NOT!

2. The J-Boy's (He's now 5 so he's not the Da Baby anymore.. sniff sniff) school picture! They turned out sooooo good. I'm really pleased.

3. Mid-way through scarf number 3.

4. All done with that one, and I think I like the lighter yarn you can see the braid better.

5. The shoe wrestling champion, it's all real with no script!

                                           You know the drill... Linking up with some of my favorite bloggers!

                                                               The Lauren Elizabeth 


Follow the Rules

The Diary of a Real Housewife

The Good Life Blog



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crochet is Addicting

Today has been all about crocheting... (and most of yesterday...) but ya gotta love a quick project that just flies by. 2 count them 2 scarves done and put together!! Plus a headband, ear warmers?? Oh well, whatever you call 'em. Done... Done and Done! And now maybe my ears won't freeze! I guess I'm going to have to get real winter clothes, as opposed to Texas or Louisiana winter clothes. Cuz... burrrrr, it's cold and as my neighbor gleefully told me this morning, "It's gonna get worse... just wait till February. Which I am going to cancel! That all right with ya'll? February is now officially canceled.... That's it, that's all for today... back to my yarn.

Stay warm!
Longish scarf

Short scarf

Headband ear warmers

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sharpies and Sofas

I did not take any pictures of the Great Sharpie Escapades... however it's enough to use your imagination. Imagine you are a 6 year old boy, who finds a bright yellow sharpie and wonders... ummm, what should I do with this very lovely bright permanent marker?  I know... lets decorate the leather sofa... by drawing a 4 inch square on it then color it in! Pretty!! All I know is when I saw it I saw red!! Grrrrr, this is not the first time he's done something like this Nicky Baby, has also decorated my car with an ink pen. Which is why we have no crayons, or I thought markers, pens or any other drawing implements where he could get them. (Oops... missed one.) While he spent the weekend grounded and attached to my hip, we tried everything to get it off, The Sharpie laughed at the Goo Gone... sneered at the hairspray... chuckled at the rubbing alcohol... but met it's demise at .... ready for it.... yes, The Magic Eraser!! (Yes!! I think I may buy stock!) Woot Woot, you can now barely see it now, I think with a little saddle soap and a good polishing it will fade entirely! But Nicky Baby won't have any pen, crayons, markers until he's 45! ;)


Friday, November 8, 2013

A Conversation and the Friday Five

On the way home from Preschool, Da Baby says to me, "My Friend got on red today... first he was on yellow, then he went all the way to red!" So being nosy and wondering why said friend got on red, (the Friend is a sweet kid, by the way) I asked, "well, Baby, why was your Friend on red today?" Da Baby says " He spit on another friend, and wouldn't listen, and talked during carpet time." "Oh", I replied, "So your Friend was having a bad day..." Da Baby, says (in all seriousness) " Friend was being a Bitch today!" I about died, laughing that is.... after I finally got it sucked back in, Da Baby and I had a talk about the cuss words! What a Kid!! ;)

On to the Friday Five!! Woot Woot... Friday, (Honey... I'm voting for Sushi tonight in case you're wondering and reading this.)  

1. Sleeping on the Mr. who also likes her!

2. Look at my funny face

3. Favorite project of the week

4. Next favorite project... Yes I made Cara a jacket...
It's cold here

5. HUmmm.... at least it's quiet now.

                                       Linking up with


High Five for Friday

                                                                 The Lauren Elizabeth

 photo FFaves_zps6c1a013e.png
The Diary of a Real HouseWife
Follow the Rules 

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The Good Life Blog