Friday, November 22, 2013

Woo Hooo Friday!

Busy... Busy.... Busy!! (But all good thing come to those who are busy!) This am I've spent running and gunning all over town and back! Boys to the bus stop, check. J-boy to school, check. Over to the elementary school to pick up fundraiser, check. Back downtown to pick up my newly won harp-backed chairs, triple check. Stop at Joann's for more yarn and such, check. Whew... then it'll be back downtown to pick up the J-boy, and off to ENREP to pick up his IEP, Nicky Baby's meds, and maybe I'll squeak out sometime for my latest obsession, Arm Knitting!

1. Looks like knitting to me
2. Easy Peasy 

3. WooHoo real chairs!

5. That face!
4. Yarn

1. After watching the video a billion times to see what I was missing.... Arm Knitting! It really is easy after getting the hang of it and "casting on" 
This was the video I watched!! She does a really good job of breaking it all down.

2. I love the way it turned out... If I'd have been more patience and made it a bit longer... it'd be perfect!!

3. Score!! Local on-line auction!! I just love auctions but I hate going, I almost always get auction fever. But with the on-line deal, no stress, bid in my pj's and I can set my "won't go over price." so win... win... win!!

4. More yarn... I love Joann's for yarn and such, with the great coupons I get in the mail... or off my app, (don't ya just love apps!) I normally get stuff at great prices! Yes, I did tell Miss Liha "curiosity kills the cat" , to which she replied "But satisfaction brought it back!" 

5. Gotta just love that face!! Cara was helping guard my stash. 

                                              Linking up with....

Follow the Rules
The Diary of a Real Housewife


High Five for Friday

                                                             The Lauren Elizabeth

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The Good Life Blog

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