Friday, September 28, 2012

Retail Therapy at Wal-mart

Today was supposed to be Muffins with Mom, at Our Little Guy's school. But I guess they don't do for the ppcd kiddos, I couldn't believe how disappointed I was. I guess I do miss the whole life geared around what the kiddies are doing. So instead I went off to Wal-mart.... (snicker, snicker) for a little retail therapy. Got Our Little Guy some blocks.... yes, just plain wooden blocks. They help with fine motor skills along with gross motor skills, plus I think he'll have fun building towers and knocking them down with his cars! What's not to love about that?

I also got some material and a pattern to make a tote bag....  Since I failed to mention my Mother brought me her old sewing machine!! Woot woot, however now I have to learn to sew all over again, as I really haven't done any sewing in prolly 20 years! So the word of the day is.... easy patterns!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Begning....

Well, Welcome to my blog. Come on in, make yourself at home....

 Just a little background, I woke up one day and decide that maybe I could write a blog... I follow enough of them a few of my favorites are...  Kate over at The Small Things Blog  she is great at the girl stuff and I've learned tons!! For fun and food there is Katy at Buffalo Gals BakeryMiniManor is another great one on Decorating and DIY'ing, along with Hi Sugarplum and Honey We're Home. For Organizing you really can't beat IHeart Organizing just to name, well, more than a few.

After raising 3 children to mostly self-relent adult-hood, we have decided to start over and open our home and our hearts to foster children... so far I have to say it's been a challenge, but when "my little guy" looks up and says "Gee, I sure like being here". It makes it soooo worth it! So Thanks to Mr. Crazy for dragging me into this.

I love to cook, umm, bake, craft, sew, decorate my house,wonder around central Texas with my camera.... So I'm hoping y'all will come along with my on my new adventure....