Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Old into New

As the Old year gives way to the new, I thought I'd look back through the year... There's been more than a few changes. Some Great.. some good... and some not so much. But... I have to say I haven't been bored yet. We have had The Boyz for a full year now, I can not get over the changes this year has made for them and us. The older set are well on their way. The Bug is settling back into her own life and sounds as happy as if she had her right mind! :) Brando is thinking of buying a house! (I swear I was just changing his diaper... like 5 minutes ago.) The Biddy Girl starts her Sophomore year of collage in just a few days, while her Big Boss likes her enough to keep her on while she does it! The Mr. works... and plays just as hard as he's ever done. And me? I watch it all unfold around me. So heres a glimpse of our year in review...

Here's to wishing all of you in the blogging world a Safe and Happy New Year! Hugs to all!!


Friday, December 13, 2013

The Friday Five and Thanks

I love reading my blogs.. (Not mine.. but Others) It gives me a little piece of their lives, special moments along with the ordinary. I feel like some are long lost friends, I haven't met, others make me go ,humm, now isn't that interesting... still others make me laugh. I love the design tips, fashion help, makeup and hair advice! The ups, the downs and all the inbetweens. So here's a big thumbs up to all the Other Bloggers who share their lives, hopes, dreams. Thanks and keep up the great work!

On to my little life and Friday Five!


1. Meet Kate, she's the first blogger (http://www.thesmallthingsblog.com/ ) I started following.. (Isn't she cute!) She has an amazing beauty blog! Today she is also having her first baby... (Woot Woot!) I think she'll be a lovely, creative Mom. So here's to Kate!!

2. It's been a snowy week here in Northern Virginia, I don't know why I thought Virginia was in the South.... 

3. Cara Mia's first snow... It's deeper than she is tall... hehehehe

  Tree on the wall

4. I found this one on Pinterest... and this one is my interpretation... not to mention that I didn't wanna go out with all the crazy drivers to get those little clear command hooks! :)

5. Eazy E reading (kind of out loud) the announcements at his MMA class. Belt promotion is this weekend, for both Eazy E and Nicky Baby, Orange for E and Yellow for Nicky.  

Linking up with....

                                                          High Five for Friday
                                                           Lauren Elizabeth

 photo FFaves_zps6c1a013e.png
The Diary of a Real Housewife

 photo db7528c5-a5c8-4eb0-9519-22997b018248_zps7d56832d.jpg
The Good Live Blog

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Town and Ice

I went to town the last nice day... Wow.... just last week, and got a few shots of the walking mall and some cool old buildings, well, some cool details on some cool old buildings. The ice comes this morning it really is pretty and I hope it translated as well as I think it did, (or hope it did!) But here ya go... the world as I see it through my lens.

Pretty Christmas Window

                             I love the scroll work..
                            the details just get me
Looking down a fence

On the Library 

The stones with what
 looks like roman numerals 

The Steeple on the Babtist Church
A random Street...
Icebreakers... who knew?
On to the Ice... and they are pretty branches and leaves
in my yard.. so no need for captions... right?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Snowy Ice

Aww, winter is here. About 6 inches of snow.... followed up by 1 inch, (maybe 1/2 inch ) of ice. But no wind!! Always a plus so it snowed straight down and so pretty. Till I had to shovel the driveway... then it was just a pain. The joys of winter..
As far as projects done... umm... a drop in the bucket. Tree is moved, staircase is half done, my craft room n o longer looks like an episode of "The Hoarders", Nicky Baby's curtains are done, my curtains are started. All in all I'm pretty happy with the ways things are moving along and coming together. I need to get some more garland, more fabric for my curtains, (who knew 6 yards wouldn't be enough) And I got to start baking!! Woot Woot, I love Christmas baking and sending it off to family and friends. There's something about feeding people...

Snow, Baby
Whew... half done with
 a scoop shovel!
hehehehe.... Who could resist 
Much better place.
Shim Stars... who'd thunk it
The Spidey Man makes an appearance 

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Friday Five and the Results

Oh what a week... beautiful, beautiful weather, mid-to high 60's all week, this morning... rain and low 40, it's what I'm calling the lull before the ice! (and maybe finally snow?) This week has been all about finishing up projects.. and revamping some rooms that I wasn't quite happy with. (Yes, just in time for Christmas and all the family coming!)  I still have Christmas decorating to do... soon as I decide just how I want it. I'm thinking I need some shims....
Learn to skate is going like gangbusters!! So much so that after talking to the coach... I've signed the younger 2 up for Hockey!! (woot woot... inline... but still Hockey!) Eazy E wants to play football so after giving him the choice ... football it is. along with Lacrosse.
Slap Shot? 
Get the puck!

The last Detail... and it's mostly Okay

Next for Christmasing up

The results of the strike were..... a dismal failure!! The only one that even noticed was the Biddy Girl, and when I took the boyz to MMA... She picked up all the flotsam and jetsam... The Mr. just kicked all of his clothes outta his way, or walked on 'em. And it made twice as much laundry  for me when I gave up the ghost and picked it all up myself, (even after I moved the hamper into the bathroom!) So I guess I'm resigned to picking up after the Mr, (can't teach an old dog new tricks, I suppose.) The Boyz however are another story... They Will learn to pick up after themselves or I'll die trying! ;) And it looks like "Someone" deleted the pictures of the results... hummm, I wonder who that could of been....

                                                      Linking up with...

                                                            The Lauren Elizabeth

The Good Life Blog
 photo FFaves_zps6c1a013e.png
The Diary of a Real Housewife

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I'm in a Blue Phase

Seems like I'm really liking the color Blue these days. I'm in a blue phase as far as decorating goes.. The half bath is now done! Well, mostly done, just one more little detail to take care of, but I have the picture of what I want in my head, so we will see how it turns out. My bedroom has a nice fresh start on it's re-do. (Talk about tired of brown!) The family room is looking better and better, I have to say I'm loving the burlap trend too. Works so well with the leather and mostly boy friendly. I love decorating.... it's soooo much fun.

Blues and Browns
And inspirational 

Here's the start. Clean simple. Now for the rest

New curtains
New feel...

What to do with the coffee table?

Monday, December 2, 2013


After our lovely 5 day weekend, it's time to get back in the swing of things... for a couple of weeks anyway, before Christmas Break. Thanksgiving was a blast... I made wwaayyy to much food, but the Boyz just lapped it up and ate like stevedores, I do love to watch them eat!  We went around the table and told what we were most thankful for... it was fun listening to them.

Full oven... I still can't believe it all fit!
Brie with Strawberries

We got the tree up and the Mr. built me a mantle so I'd have somewhere to put all those decorations... I love when he builds, it really does just amaze me. So next warm-ish day... the outside needs to be done and I gotta finish the house, I can't wait for Christmas... The Parents (mine) and the Brothers and wives are coming... (maybe wishful thinking for the younger set...as they both have new jobs... and you know how being the low man on the totem pole is, but I'm hoping) 

I just love the mantel that the Mr. Built
Oh.. Christmas Tree... Oh Christmas Tree


I finally got my new purse all done... maybe just a tweak or two but all in all I'm pretty happy with it. New pillows for the family room (done)... curtains....for the family room, Nicky Baby's room, breakfast nook and my bedroom are all on the list for this week. And a really cool tree for the family room as the "real" Christmas tree is upstairs. 

Sleeves for the sides 

The front of the jacket for the flap and the front.

Yes, I've jumped on the burlap bandwagon! Curtains are next.

Christmas Tree Ornament Mobile
The Tree I wanna make in the family room....
with a twist or two.

I'm just chocked full of plans for this next week or two... as well as starting to Christmas shop... woo hoo.... fun, fun, fun!! Hope ya'll have a great day!!