Friday, September 6, 2013

The Friday Five... High Five for Friday.... It's Friday

It's Friday!! The end of the week...  This week has flown by, I swear just yesterday is was Tues, and it was the first day of preschool, but I guess between, school, MMA, Cub Scouts and homework the week just went! 

1. Easy E.... gotta love him when in thinking mode

2. Nicky Baby hamming for the camera

3. School, Baby!

4. Hanging in the toy box

5.  Blessed silence for 4 yes, count them 4 hours a day!!


1. 2. I do love taking the boys to eat... they get such a charge out of it... trying new things... (uh-huh... not) but we have a good time.

3. Woot Woot... School Time

4. Who knows.... but it's a good thing he's cute.

5. Shhhh.... hear that??                       Awww..... relaxing

Linking up with:

 photo H54F_zps6c02d9a1.png
Lauren Elizabeth 

The Good Life

And new one!!
The Diary of a Real Housewife

Enjoy your day!! Smile... you are upright and mobile.


  1. Cute boys!
    I found you through Friday Favorites....:)

    1. Thanks! Nice of you to drop by... and follow along. Hope you have a great weekend ;)

  2. Aww what sweet boys!
    Found your blog from Friday favorites.. Take a look at my blog! If you like what you see why don't you follow!? :)

    1. Thanks!! I do like your blog!! I remember those days with fondness, it gets better and better.
