Friday, October 18, 2013

The Friday Five

This week has just flown by, busy busy busy and nothing done. Whew, what a week... nothing real unusual but I guess I'm just feeling it more. I'm hoping to spend sometime in the craft room, today... but more likely tomorrow! But the house is clean, dinner is thunk up... and it's early release day for the kiddies. So maybe...

Well enough of all that and on with this weeks Fav's

Easy E at Lacrosse!! And he loves it!!

Nicky Baby at T-Ball.... and a Lefty to boot

Easy E and his friend Big N at the Halloween party

Football game.... sans Children!!

I missed all the colors

                                                                   Linking up with.....

 photo H54F_zps6c02d9a1.png
The Lauren Elizabeth 

 photo FFaves_zps6c1a013e.png
The Diary of a Real Housewife

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The Good Life Blog


  1. Looks like a busy week =) Hope you have a wonderful weekend
    Thanks so much for linking up with me today! Make sure you enter to win my giveaway from Wednesday,

    1. Thanks Jennie!! Hope you also have a great weekend.... hmmm I love giveaways!!
